WiscNet Digital Student Safety Service - Securly


Using natural language process algorithms, Securly flags students' social media and e-mail activity when there are indications someone is being bullied or at risk for suicide and alerts school administrators as well as parents so that everyone can work together quickly and effectively, in equal partnership, to keep students safe.


When Securly approached WiscNet about what they can do for K-12 schools and families, we were impressed. Sure, they offer a complete cloud-based web filtering service that greatly reduces the technical complications of web filtering in 1:1 and take-home environments. (That's great -- don't get us wrong.) But the game-changer is their solution to the problems of bullying and self-harm.

We were also excited by Securly's Parent Portal, a feature that allows parents the ability to monitor their child’s online activity on school-owned devices and be engaged in the safety and productivity of their children. In line with this, Securly stands alone in offering a Student Safety team of former K-12 educators that come alongside districts to help you better understand and implement the additional features focused on Digital Citizenship. (Read: Worried about how parents will react to this? Have other major concerns? There's someone who has been in your shoes and speaks your unique language to walk you through this every step of the way.) 

WiscNet isn't going to convince you that your school district should care about bullying or suicide prevention. But if you do care about bullying or suicide prevention, we have the perfect service for you.


Need more than a filter? Securly offers a variety of additional products so you can customize your plan to keep students safe:

(click through to read more on each product directly from Securly)

Securly 24: 24/7 human monitoring of its filtering product

Auditor+: Real-time scanning of email, documents, and Google Drive

Auditor 24: 24/7 human monitoring of Auditor

Tipline: Anonymous tipline and incident reporting

School MDM: Mobile device management and classroom tools for Apple devices

360 Cloud: End-to-end student safety and device management solution

Safety Cloud: Bundles filtering, Auditor, Tipline, Visitor Management, and Go (an app that allows parents to protect all of their family's personal devices no matter where they are)

Safety Cloud & 24: Safety cloud bundle with 24/7 human monitoring

1:1 Cloud: Bundles filtering, MDM, and classroom management for Chrometools and Go. 24 can be added on to the bundle.

Classroom: Classroom management tools for Chromebooks

More Information

WiscNet services vary in pricing and features based on your organization's size, mission, and needs. Please contact us and we'll schedule a time to meet and discuss your needs.