The 2025 WiscNet Board of Directors election will take place from Monday, March 3 until Tuesday, April 29 at 4:00pm.
There are two board positions open this year. They represent the following member segments:
(1) K-12 seat
(1) At-Large seat
A person must be from a K-12 organization to be nominated and run for the K-12 seat. Anyone from any WiscNet member organization may be nominated and run for the At-Large positions. Each seat serves a three-year term.
I am excited to run for reelection to the WiscNet Board of Directors because I am inspired by the organization’s commitment to its members and its vision for the future. WiscNet has consistently demonstrated excellence in service to its members and a true dedication to our needs. As the organization embarks on new ventures that promise to enhance the services available to members across Wisconsin, I want to continue to contribute my energy and expertise to help guide these efforts.
As a passionate advocate for K-12 education and technology, I am excited about the opportunity to represent the schools that rely on WiscNet to empower learning and connect communities. Having worked in K-12 districts in Wisconsin since 2009, I understand the unique challenges that educational institutions face when it comes to ensuring reliable, cost-effective technology services. The work WiscNet does is vital in providing the infrastructure that allows schools to thrive in an increasingly digital world. If elected, I will be dedicated to continuing to strengthen these vital services, ensuring that K12 schools receive the support they need to provide the best educational experience for students. As a member of the Board, I will bring a collaborative approach, listening closely to the needs of WiscNet members and advocating for solutions that benefit all. My focus will be on ensuring that the voices of K12 schools, even the smaller districts, are heard and that our digital infrastructure keeps pace with the evolving needs of education. I am committed to ensuring that WiscNet continues to be a trusted partner to schools, helping them meet the demands of modern education with secure, scalable, and sustainable connectivity. I appreciate all the work WiscNet does on behalf of members; it has helped the districts that I have worked for tremendously. Thank you for considering my candidacy. I look forward to the opportunity to serve and make a positive impact for K12 education across Wisconsin.
WiscNet was originally comprehended by the UW System to connect their own campuses to each other. To this end, a grant to the NSF was presented and rejected as the National Science Foundation determined that the funds requested only served to benefit the UW System. At the time, Donna Shalala was the chancellor of the UW System. Donna decided to use Marquette University as “bait” for the NSF (basically she determined that a largest private University in Wisconsin would be ideal to add to the grant and would ensure success). At the time, I worked for Marquette University, and I was contacted by her. Donna and I negotiated an agreement to provide this connectivity and since I was in a technical position and she was in an administrative position, I designed the original WiscNet (we were connected to CICNet, not BITNET) and folks from the UW-System worked through other details. To some extent, I consider WiscNet to exist due to my efforts in the 80s. It intrigues and excites me that this grew from 56k lines over “2-wire alarm circuits”, modems, and old serial protocols to what it is today. I would very much enjoy helping take WiscNet to the next level, as to a small degree I consider it my child.
Throughout my 30-year career in K12 educational technology, I have consistently championed WiscNet as a vital partner and advocated for the adoption of its network services and other offerings within school districts. If elected to the WiscNet Board, I will leverage my experience to further promote and support WiscNet's valuable services, helping ensure they continue to benefit Wisconsin's educational institutions.
The WiscNet bylaws designate the Member Representative as responsible for voting in Board elections. If you'd like to delegate your vote to your organization’s primary Technical Representative or Administrative Representative, you may do so.
And: each WiscNet member organization gets one vote, so even if you vote multiple times, or more than one person in your organization votes, we can only count one.
Cory Chrisinger
Technical College Representative (1/1)
Madison College
Term Expires 2027
Sarah Edgerton
Vice Chairperson
At Large Representative (5/5)
City of Madison
Term Expires 2026
Ryan Jonas
At Large Representative (1/5)
Greendale School District
Term Expires 2027
Steve Schlomann
At Large Representative (4/5)
School District of Waukesha
Term Expires 2026
Patrick Armstrong
K12 Representative (1/1)
Slinger School District
Term Expires 2025
Ben Dumke
Private Colleges & Universities (1/1)
Lawrence University
Term Expires 2026
Sara Mumm
At Large Representative (2/5)
River Ridge School District
Term Expires 2027
Rob Nunez
At Large Representative (3/5)
Kenosha Public Library
Term Expires 2025
Tom Lange
Appointed Representative (1/4)
BrainStorm Events, Inc.
Term N/A
David Hotchkiss
Appointed Representative (2/4)
Medical College of Wisconsin
Term N/A
Rachel Schemelin
Appointed Representative (3/4)
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Term N/A
Diane Doersch
Appointed Representative (4/4)
Digital Promise
Term N/A
UW-Madison Representative (1/1)
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Term N/A
UW-Milwaukee Representative (1/1)
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Term N/A
UW-System Representative (1/1)
University of Wisconsin - System
Term N/A