WiscNet Colocaiton Service


WiscNet's Colocation service is for other state and/or regional networks that provide services on top of the network and want a direct presence at a major internet POP (Apple, Microsoft, Netflix, etc.) to reduce traffic on the broader/commodity internet.


WiscNet's Colocation service is for other state and/or regional networks that provide services on top of the network and want a direct presence at a major internet POP (Apple, Microsoft, Netflix, etc.) to reduce traffic on the broader/commodity internet. WiscNet provides the member with up to 2RU of WiscNet purchased rack space in WiscNet's contracted space at Equinix Chicago. WiscNet provides redundant AC or DC power and coordinates installation of member's equipment. WiscNet opens Equinix Smart Hands tickets as needed.

More Information

WiscNet services vary in pricing and features based on your organization's size, mission, and needs. Please contact us and we'll schedule a time to meet and discuss your needs.