WiscNet Connect +1 Service


WiscNet Connect +1 allows WiscNet member organizations to utilize multiple connections from your site to the WiscNet backbone. Whether to increase reliability, simply to add capacity, or connect a campus directly to WiscNet, Connect +1 provides support for the increasingly critical network access members need.


Who is this for?

Any WiscNet member who already connects to WiscNet through our Network Access Service.

How does it work?

Just like with your network access service, you will need to contract with a circuit provider for your secondary connection. Our staff will be happy to help you through the process of finding options and will work with your circuit provider to make the turn-up process as smooth as possible. Click on the Contact button if you would like more information.

What is it?

Part of our work at WiscNet is to help you envision and prepare for the future. We believe what you will need in 2020 is worth thinking – and doing – something about. WiscNet has spent nearly 30 years connecting people and strategies in order to get our member organizations — schools, colleges, universities, libraries, cities, counties, and hospitals — connected to the Internet. Our newest service takes another giant step forward in helping our member organizations stay connected. Meet WiscNet Connect +1.

WiscNet believes that all of our member organizations need greater capacity and reliability to support and carry out their missions, which are critical to the people that they serve. Today, 80% of WiscNet member organizations connect to WiscNet through a single path and provider, typically BadgerNet, TEACH Transport, Charter, Time Warner, a Community Area Network, or even their own fiber.

Even with increases in capacity, needs change frequently. By working with various transport providers to find additional paths from our member organizations to WiscNet, we can help you acquire a second connection, handle all the arrangements for you, and configure, test, and monitor the connections. WiscNet will continue to support however much traffic you throw across both connections.

More Information

WiscNet services vary in pricing and features based on your organization's size, mission, and needs. Please contact membersuccess@wiscnet.net and we'll schedule a time to meet and discuss your needs.