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Teach & Learn with WiscNet: Digital Inclusion

Join us on June 20th to chat Digital Inclusion

Please join us on Zoom on June 20th from 10:00-11:00am to hear from Dr. Cass Hill, Digital Inclusion Coordinator from the City of Madison, as they present “(Re)Committing to Digital Inclusion” as part of our ongoing Teach & Learn with WiscNet series.

Within the City of Madison, Cass works to remove digital barriers and advance digital inclusion (access, usability, literacy). They strive for digital equity by providing more residents access to City services while ensuring our workforce keeps pace. Focusing on digital inclusion at this intersection improves engagement with City government and enhances comfort, security, and efficiency. Cass’ work centers on collaboration, communication, portfolio management, upskilling, and transformation.

In “(Re)Committing to Digital Inclusion,” Cass will discuss how information and technology can enable personal and social change, but only when everyone has access and feels empowered to use them comfortably and safely. This is the core of digital inclusion. In this session, we’ll discuss the ways in which we can speak about and advocate for digital inclusion in practice, policy, and planning.

We are excited for this to be a collaborative space where we can all learn something together, for collaboration is the best way to share knowledge and resources amongst the membership.

Can’t make it? Register anyway! We record each of our Teach & Learn events (when we are able) and share the recording, along with a chat transcript, a few days afterward.